(72” x 120”) (2) panels with recessed insert, acrylic and polymer on canvas. The right panel has been disassembled while the left half remains intact.)
The left panel references Richard Diekborn’s “Head of Gerda Boehm”, an image of a woman looking apprehensively over her shoulder. The recessed panel (on the right half) is like a window to another time or place, shows a person screaming. This painting looks at fear: real, imagined, anticipated; a memory, a dream, a nightmare. Issues of domestic violence, abuse, rape and control are called up in this work. The role of male dominated governments and religious organizations in repressing women is expressed through the crucifix and the Church is a symbol for all of societies un-liberated institutions. The word “fear” was written in graffiti on the right panel and represented the gang violence prevalent throughout society. Fear is a constant way of life in too much of America and the world. The constant battle between good and evil continues.
The left panel references Richard Diekborn’s “Head of Gerda Boehm”, an image of a woman looking apprehensively over her shoulder. The recessed panel (on the right half) is like a window to another time or place, shows a person screaming. This painting looks at fear: real, imagined, anticipated; a memory, a dream, a nightmare. Issues of domestic violence, abuse, rape and control are called up in this work. The role of male dominated governments and religious organizations in repressing women is expressed through the crucifix and the Church is a symbol for all of societies un-liberated institutions. The word “fear” was written in graffiti on the right panel and represented the gang violence prevalent throughout society. Fear is a constant way of life in too much of America and the world. The constant battle between good and evil continues.